width=61 height=87> Voracious Verses


Kelley White
I Hadn't Expected the Softness

hadn’t wanted to touch
the smell of soiled sheets
or the sweet powder caked on the neck
hadn’t known I would stroke thin hair
and wonder at the pink of the scalp
beneath hadn’t thought
of the cool elegance of the hand
bound by the wedding ring loose
against bone
nor the breath
in the soft soft curve
of the scarred breast
beneath the suction
of the EKG

© 2006 Kelley White

I am Watching the Sparrow

honoring each day
as it sinks into earth
dear brown shadowed 
by stillness, ridge, 
feathers darkening
to hard black nib
wings become fallen 
leaves, bones a basket 
holding dust. I do not 
touch this memorial. 
No voice blessing
or mourning. Fall is 
falling on my heart.

© 2006 Kelley White